Level of Development

All models are created using the Level of Development (LOD) industry specifications as a guide.  The LOD quickly and easily specifies the amount of detail the model has in it.  The LOD is usually declared in the project specifications, and will be strictly followed throughout the model creation. 

LOD 200
Schematic layout with approximate size, shape, and location. Hangers, valves, dampers, and insulation are not modeled.  This is the most basic model and is best used for schematic design.

LOD 300
Design specific size, shape, and location of duct/pipe/fittings.  All equipment is modeled with generic features in order to reserve space.  Approximate allowance for hangers, supports, and clearance between elements are included.  Code/access required clearances are modeled.

LOD 350
Actual size, shape, location of duct/pipe/fittings including insulation and supports/hangers are modeled. Equipment is modeled as the actual product to be installed.  Floor and wall penetrations modeled.  Ducts are segmented as per shop drawing requirements.

LOD 400
Supplementary components necessary for fabrication and field installation are incorporated into the model.